Waiting My Whole Life For This!

Hand in hand, I led both Naomi and Titus into the hospital lobby.  Naomi stopped me immediately inside the door as if she couldn’t take another step without proclaiming what was on her heart.  Glancing up at me with her gorgeous blue eyes and thick curly hair, she had something important to tell me.  I leaned down to give her my full attention and the words she spoke have lingered in my heart for the last 6 months.

She said, “I’ve been waiting my whole life for this!”

We were there to meet her new baby sister!  A nine month wait for a 5-year-old is a long wait.  It was an exciting moment and how thankful I was to be part of the entire experience.

How about you?  Are you waiting?  Does it feel like the wait has lingered for your whole life?  What if you were about to walk into the door to meet the very thing of which you await?  Have you considered what you are doing today is preparing you for that moment?

When Joshua was about to lead the people across the Jordan to the Promised Land, an event that had been in their future for over 40 years, he told the people…

Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” Joshua 3:5 (NIV)

The instructions given to the people are powerful instructions we can follow as we await.

They were instructed to watch for the presence of the Lord their God,

you are to move out from your positions and follow it.  Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before.” Joshua 3: 3-4 (NIV)

As we wait, we too can choose to follow these instructions:

  1. WATCH for the presence of the Lord.
  2. MOVE out from your positions and follow Him.
  3. Then we will KNOW which way to go.

Let’s wait together and keep our eyes on the Lord!

Copyright©2018, Gloria Stucky

Image by AHK Photography

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