The Unsuccessful Attempt

To Do File Shows Organizing And Planning Tasks by Stuart Miles

The load is heavy and we cannot bear it on our own!

As I grow more aware of the need for Christ’s power in my life, developing a deeper prayer life has become a priority.  I started my day at 5 am in an extended time of prayer.

Then read about a father who brought his boy who was possessed by a spirit to the disciples to drive out the spirit.  The disciples were unsuccessful so Jesus rebuked the impure spirit and commanded it to come out of the boy and never enter him again.

Jesus had previously given the disciples the authority to cast out demons.  They were attempting to accomplish one of the very things He had sent them to do yet they were unsuccessful.

They asked Jesus privately, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” (Mark 9:28b).  He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer.” (Mark 9:29)

Is it possible the disciples, who had experienced previous success, had approached the task in their own strength rather than prayerfully drawing on divine power?

The Lord has called each of us as believers to specific tasks.   May we not attempt to function in our own power or rely on previous success.

Let’s prayerfully depend upon the One who grants the strength and power to succeed!

What is your task at hand and are you relying on the power of prayer?


Copyright©2014, Gloria Stucky


 “To Do File Shows Organizing And Planning Tasks” by Stuart Miles



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