Teaching From a Blank Tablet

Book And Tablet by winnond

I was delighted over an opportunity to speak with a MOMS group.  I love spending time with young women but as I prepared my lesson I started feeling out of touch with mothers with young children.

Both of my children are grown.  My daughter is a mother of her own and my son is off to college. It’s been years since I woke to the cries of a little one demanding my attention.

What could I say to young moms that would have an impact?

In my morning quiet time I read chapter 34 in the book of Exodus.   God instructed Moses to chisel out two stone tablets, be ready in the morning and present himself to the Lord on the top of the mountain.  How exciting it would have been early the following morning, as Moses climbed the mountain carrying those blank stone tablets, anticipating what God was about to present.

These verses gave me great comfort in knowing that I too can present my blank tablet to the Lord.  I can take the example of Moses and enter into God’s presence anticipating a message He will write on my heart.

Moses did not come off the mountain worried about how the people would receive his message; he came down glowing from having been in the presence of the Almighty.

Whether you are preparing a message for a student, spouse, friend, co-worker, client, family member, the best thing we can do is to enter the presence of God and look to be filled with His fullness. 

The most rewarding lessons come from the overflow of what God is doing in our own lives!  He is a great teacher! 

Are you willing to get up early to climb the mountain and present your blank tablet?  


 “Image courtesy of “Book And Tablet” by winnond/FreeDigitalPhotos.net”

 Copyright©2014, Gloria Stucky

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