Church changed my life today!
As I drove to church this morning I quoted 2 Timothy 3:16 and asked the Lord to use my time there to teach me, rebuke me, correct me, and train me in righteousness. I knew God’s Word would be taught and I was hungry to completely soak in everything He had for me! I did not want to go through the motions. I longed to be fully present.
He answered my prayer beyond what I had expected. I walked away so full I had to rush home to record everything that was swimming in my heart to be sure I didn’t forget one nugget.
- In Sunday school (Bible Study, Life Group, or whatever you want to call it) I was reminded of the great importance to choose full obedience over partial obedience or sacrifice. My commitment to obey in a certain area is renewed and strengthened. (More about that in a later blog.) I fully expect obedience in this area to lead to results only possible through God.
- Disobedience is like a governor on a go cart, it holds back my ability to fully function at the speed God intends and keeps me from growing at God’s intended pace.
- In worship I was shown that I have been fed breakfast by Jesus and He has let me know it is time to get back to feeding His sheep. That probably won’t make sense unless you heard the message but I hope to share more specifics about that in a later blog. But for now, it means the Lord affirmed my desire to feed His sheep by leading a Bible study this fall.
All of the above is from one visit to church – hungry for worship. My relationship with Christ is a life changer for me and my family for all of eternity! Attending church is a necessary act of worship and act of obedience. Don’t miss the opportunity to be nurtured and developed by faithfully attending church and showing up hungry for results.
If you don’t regularly attend church, I encourage you to try it out so you can see what you are missing!
If you do attend church, how have you been impacted lately?
Copyright©2016, Gloria Stucky