Anchored Promises!

We rented a pontoon for our family gathering.  When the anchor was thrown overboard, we realized the anchor was not actually attached to the long rope.  The anchor went flying into the deep waters never to be seen again.  I’m feeling weary by my sinful heart these days and there is an ongoing need for repentance.  Thankfully, God’s promises are not anchored in my righteousness, they are attached to the One who placed them in my heart!  God’s promises are anchored in God!

Here are a few points that have greatly encouraged me about David’s story lately!

  1. God does the anointing!

The shepherd boy David was pulled out of the field to be anointed for the position of King.

12 And he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy and had beautiful eyes and was handsome. And the Lord said, “Arise, anoint him, for this is he.” 13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. And the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward.     1 Samuel 16:12 – 13a ESV

 How about you?  Has God set you apart for a specific position?  Has He placed a dream in your heart?  God has given me a desire for full-time ministry and I long for the fulfillment of living out that God-given desire.


  1. There is a purpose in the wait!

Before David would take his appointed position, he would spend a season back in the field shepherding the flock, waiting!  He would then spend a season of 14 years living like a bandit, hunted as a fugitive.

Do you find yourself in a season of waiting?  Shepherding those sheep was the exact experience David needed to prepare for shepherding God’s people as King.

Don’t waste your current field experience.  Embrace this current season by drawing near to God and developing right where he has placed us.  My current position as Executive Vice President in the largest standalone Ad-Specialty company in my community is growing me in leaps and bounds.  I never expected to be in this position but see this clearly as God’s plan for my life.  Therefore, I embrace my position and rest in God’s providential plan.  Are you embracing where God has currently placed you?   Look for specific ways God is using your current position preparing you for the desires of your heart.


  1. There will be battles along the way!

God placed a giant in David’s life.  Are you battling what appears to be a giant?  Our battles never place us out of the reach of God’s providential plans.  In fact, God used David’s battle to gain popular notoriety by killing the giant, Goliath!  Consider how might God use your battle to slingshot you forward in your positioning?


  1. You cannot out sin God’s promises!

Although we remember David as a man after God’s own heart, he sinned against God significantly!  God’s promises are anchored in God! To Whom are you anchored?


Copyright©2018, Gloria Stucky

Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov on Unsplash





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