A homeless man and his 6 children showed up at my door. Rather than knocking they allowed themselves into my house and proceeded to the kitchen. In shock, I followed behind them where the man pulled a drink out of the refrigerator. Since I did not recognize the drink container I suddenly realized – they had been here before! This was not the first time they had allowed themselves into my home.
While we awkwardly discussed their story at length his children were incredibly well behaved. They sat with great expectation to my response to their need for shelter. He was working hard to save enough money to afford housing for his family. In the meantime, he was depending upon the kindness of others.
My heart was heavy with desire and I desperately wanted to help! I knew I did not have the beds or bath to host such a large family without causing great sacrifice to my own family. My head was swimming with ideas of how to respond. How could I make a difference?
I noticed the door that leads into the attic was open. We keep the door locked at all times. We hardly use the attic other than storage. Why was the door open? Curiously, I walked up the stairs to investigate. To my utter shock there were six beautifully made beds. They looked like something out of a magazine. How did those beds get into my attic? Who made them look so beautiful? The Lord had sent another to come and help me help others!
I woke from my dream confused! For a long time I contemplated the details of the dream of the homeless family and how closely it related to my own life.
My heart desperately longs to help others through my speaking ministry. I dream of opportunities to present God’s word. I study and diligently work on goals and spiritual disciplines. Yet, the door appears locked and I am limited to what I can accomplish on my own. That very week I had approached an organization to request consideration as a speaker for their weekly devotional. I was discouraged because it appeared as though I may not meet all qualifications. Sometimes the door is locked and we must rely on the help of the Lord to send others.
That morning I prayed and asked the Lord to specifically send another to open an attic door of opportunity. I was bold in asking specifically that He would move on my behalf that very week!
Today, I received a speaking invitation! When I read the invitation I began to sob. Immediately, the Lord reminded me of my previous prayer. He did not just send anyone – He sent a very dear friend whom I greatly respect and admire. As an early believer I sat under her teaching for years. I once asked the Lord to give me the heart she had for His word and the ability to present it with such passion and sincere desire. The invitation was incredibly humbling! My God cares about the desire of my heart to help others!
He cares about the desires of your heart too! Do you have a dream or desire? I hope you dream big dreams; dreams that are greater than you can accomplish on your own. Go after those dreams! We must do everything we you can to accomplish our dreams and be sure to have faith that the Lord will send others to help open the attic doors!
What is your dream?
Copyright©2014, Gloria Stucky
Photo by “Family” by Graur Codrin/FreeDigitalPhotos.net