Month: June 2013

The Unnamed Messenger


The Unnamed Messenger

Imagine a stranger standing at your door making an announcement which would change the direction of your life?

In the first 5 verses of the book of Ruth, the writer (lacking all emotion) lays out the horrific facts of Naomi’s life: 

•Due to famine she and her family moved from Bethlehem to Moab.

•Her husband died.

•Her son’s married Moabite women.

•Her sons both died.

 Naomi was left a broken woman, in a foreign land, with her two Moabite daughters-in-law.  An unnamed messenger tells Naomi that the LORD had come to the aid of his people by providing food for them back in Bethlehem. 

 The messenger’s name is not given but his words actually caused Naomi to change the direction of her life.  This news was exactly what Naomi needed in order to prepare to return home and set out on the road to Bethlehem.  Then Naomi instructed her daughters-in-law to “Go back, each of you, to your mother’s home.”

 As comforting as their companionship could have been on the trip, Naomi knew what was ahead for Ruth and Orpah.  She was concerned for their future and welfare.  In their male-centered culture, a woman without a husband was vulnerable, without protection and daily provision.   It was true that if they returned with Naomi to Judah they would be far less likely to remarry.  Instead, Naomi hoped they would “find rest in the home of another husband.”

The choices of Orpah and Ruth would affect them for all of eternity.  Orpah chose to go back to her people and her gods but Ruth clung to Naomi and confessed Naomi’s God. 

 Naomi’s relationship with her God was different than what Orpah and Ruth had ever experienced.  There was something about Naomi’s God that attracted Ruth to Him.  Even in the midst of Naomi’s broken heart – even in the midst of her self-confessed bitterness – God chose to use Naomi to draw Ruth to Himself.  God used Naomi as an evangelist!  It only takes a flicker of light to make an influence in the darkness! 

I like that God can use me too, even when I am spiritually lacking, even when I struggle with the hard issues of life and find myself experiencing disappointments. 

What kind of messenger are you?  What is God doing in your life that could be an encouragement to others and are you prepared to share that message?


©2013, Gloria Stucky

The Widow’s Light Bulb


I recently read a statistic which said 9 out of 10 women will outlive their husband.  Highly alarmed, I immediately reread the information to be sure I had read correctly.  Who am I to think I will be among the 10 percent?

Last week in an effort to support my husband’s role as deacon, I attended a widow’s (widower’s) banquet.  I arrived early to assist in set-up.  I distributed warm rolls at each place setting and began to pray over those who would soon sit at each table.

I prayed five specific prayers for each attendee:

∙to delight in the food

∙to enjoy the fellowship

∙to enjoy the events of the evening

∙to be encouraged by Christ

∙to allow Steve & me to be a blessing to those at our table

After the attendees arrived and were seated at the tables, I looked around and spotted the most beautiful, graceful group of women (and men).  I fought back tears as I remembered the earlier statistic and thought this could someday be me.  Honestly, I privately grabbed my husband’s hand under the table.   Had I not wisely deemed it inappropriate, I would have physically thrown myself on him in the moment and wept with love and appreciation.

As we ended our night at the widow’s banquet I mentioned to one of the attendees that my husband is quite a handy guy and if she ever needs anything to be sure to let us know.  I specifically said: “If you ever need light bulbs changed…”  She immediately began to weep and explained that she had lived with burned out light bulbs for four years.  Not sure who to ask or hire she continued to go without.

In that moment I realized, the widow’s banquet was also for me!  I had showed up to love and encourage the widows but the Lord had used them to encourage me.  He answered every prayer I had requested earlier that night:  the food was incredibly delicious; I was encouraged beyond words by the fellowship; the talents were delightful and I hope to be allowed the awesome privilege to help change the widow’s light bulbs.  I was reminded of the blessing of marriage and that I am not promised tomorrow.

Do you cherish your husband as the gift he is intended to be?  Do you realize there could be a day you will not be able to secretly grab his hand under the table?